Saturday, July 2, 2011

They're not your husband

This story by Raymond Carver is a story with a lesson that can be learned by all. Its a sad story about a man who tells his wife shes fat leading her to go on a diet which almost makes her sick. It all starts when someone tell the woman she has a fat bottom and the husband didnt like that others were calling his wife fat and wanted her to loose weight.

The language used is very offensive and shows that this man obviously had no respect for his wife. After the wife has been on aheavy diet and hardly eaten for a few months the wife becomes sickly skinny and the husband appears to be proud of what his accomplished and i feel that he has accomplished nothing because he has pretty much degraded his wife and made her feel insecure about her looks. After his so called "accomplishment" he replies with the remark of "What do you think of that?"

This is disgusting because woman are always degraded and for a husband to say this to his wife is awful. The story was very good and its great to see a story written with a strong message like this and it was enjoyabl as well.

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