Thursday, February 24, 2011

Super man and Paula browns new snowsuit

The language used in the girls bedroom Describes how it's her bedroom where she can dream of superman and flying with him. A girls bedroom is always precious to her and it's a place where she can think and look out her window to the "lights ofboston that blazed and blinked far off across the darkening water" the girl gets to see the real would but in her bedroom she can live in her imaginary fixation of superman being wi her.

The language used to describe the school tells us that the school is the richest or most prestige school according to it's location. The author describes the school to be red bricked and basic as if it just fits in to the buildings around it and isn't anything dance but it's still school.

Paula brownes house is described as a place where all the children have fun and play together. I envision it as a very rich house as Paula Browne comes from a rick family. I envision a big White mansion when they describe her house and the way she acts all stuck up that she is a well of girl who comes from a house which gives her everything

I loved is story as it showed how children can be so defensive ANC always play the blame game. It really represents children and life in general. The thing I don't like about it is the character of Paula Browne and how she is awful to the girl. I love e naivety of the girl and how she has her imagination of superman. I love the connection between superman and her real life suer hero.

5 favourite books

My first book was stickybeak
It was the first book gifted to me and I use to always read it and still sometimes do

The second book which I loved was love you forever
And this was another picture story boo which I loved and my mum would read it to me and I loved hearing her voice whilst reading it

My third favourite set of book was the faraway tree series by Enid blyton
They were like my first novels that I read and I always loved the characteristics and the way that Enid had such a great imagination and how she brought all the characters to life.

The first big novel I ever read was a lord of the rings book 1
I had to read this book twice before I understood it and after watching te movie I ended up falling in love wi the series

The most recent book I have read is scar tissue by Anthony iDisks
Which is a biography about Anthony and his band the d hot chilli peppers

Odour of chrysthanthemums

Place this story in its context- what was happening in the world at this time? (1911)
In the world at this time there were a lot of strikes. World war one was about to start and the poor people usually worked in the mines.

Comment on SETTING- how does the author depict the people’s surroundings?
The author depicts the peoples surroundings as eerie and gloomy. The house seems just as gross as the mining area. The author describes the house as a "felt-covered fowl-house"

What are the PEOPLE like in the extract?
in the extract the mother is very depressed and gloomy. She never really shows happiness not even toasted her own son. You can tell she try's to continue every day life wi her son even though they have an overgrown garden and no man in the house.
Te little boy in this extract shows us that he try's to still play and wonders about what's going on. We hear about how he wears clothes which are cut down from a mans clothes which shows us see people are poor

What is the overall THEME or MESSAGE of the extract? _


This story was about a little boy who wanted to see these snowdrops which only come out in spring. A little boy is anticipating going to see these gorgeous flowers

snowdrops represent new life and a new beginning and also the fragility of life itself. "at last she was taking him to see the miraculous flowers pale and fragile" this represents not only the flowers but the child being fragile as well.

the boy is inexperienced and gullible and very oblivious to what goes naround him.
Also he is very young and observant and try's to understand a lot f things

Edmund is mischievous and he is older and understands life a Brit more. He is not as naive as the bo is.

Mis Webster is in mourning and is fragile through out the story just like the fragile snowdrops.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The movie walkabout

Walk about
The first 10 minutes of walkabout shows us a contrast between two lives. The aboriginal lives and westerners. At the start of the movie we are faced with a "perfect" world. Girls go to girl schools and boys go to boy school. We also see that the world is so big between the people with high fences and grey uncoloured brick Walls.

Were also shown our the siblings are close and the mother and father in a family don't show love to there children and we are faced with this world of families without love. Nature creeps into a house with a woman having a few pot plants. The mother and father don't acknowledge each other and the marriage is artificial and they don't communicate.

The first scene in the movie shows us a brick wall. We see the brick wall as how it shows separation between worlds and people and its an artificial separation. It also shows us that is film shows a closed society and not very open. And it contrasts with the outback as there are no brick walls or fences and the worked is more open to everyone and everything.

The image of the peoples legs is showing us how impersonal the city is and how there is a lack of personality Nd individuality is this city.

The visual of the school shows us how robotic the girls are how perfect students need to be.

This clip shows us that buildings overpower humans. And how the enormity of these high rise
buildings show how weak a human can be. These urban structures cut off a lot of natural light
and nature.

The film makers also portray the father as a man who is depressed and has a lot on his mind.