Thursday, February 24, 2011

5 favourite books

My first book was stickybeak
It was the first book gifted to me and I use to always read it and still sometimes do

The second book which I loved was love you forever
And this was another picture story boo which I loved and my mum would read it to me and I loved hearing her voice whilst reading it

My third favourite set of book was the faraway tree series by Enid blyton
They were like my first novels that I read and I always loved the characteristics and the way that Enid had such a great imagination and how she brought all the characters to life.

The first big novel I ever read was a lord of the rings book 1
I had to read this book twice before I understood it and after watching te movie I ended up falling in love wi the series

The most recent book I have read is scar tissue by Anthony iDisks
Which is a biography about Anthony and his band the d hot chilli peppers

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