Thursday, February 24, 2011

Odour of chrysthanthemums

Place this story in its context- what was happening in the world at this time? (1911)
In the world at this time there were a lot of strikes. World war one was about to start and the poor people usually worked in the mines.

Comment on SETTING- how does the author depict the people’s surroundings?
The author depicts the peoples surroundings as eerie and gloomy. The house seems just as gross as the mining area. The author describes the house as a "felt-covered fowl-house"

What are the PEOPLE like in the extract?
in the extract the mother is very depressed and gloomy. She never really shows happiness not even toasted her own son. You can tell she try's to continue every day life wi her son even though they have an overgrown garden and no man in the house.
Te little boy in this extract shows us that he try's to still play and wonders about what's going on. We hear about how he wears clothes which are cut down from a mans clothes which shows us see people are poor

What is the overall THEME or MESSAGE of the extract? _

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