Thursday, February 24, 2011

Super man and Paula browns new snowsuit

The language used in the girls bedroom Describes how it's her bedroom where she can dream of superman and flying with him. A girls bedroom is always precious to her and it's a place where she can think and look out her window to the "lights ofboston that blazed and blinked far off across the darkening water" the girl gets to see the real would but in her bedroom she can live in her imaginary fixation of superman being wi her.

The language used to describe the school tells us that the school is the richest or most prestige school according to it's location. The author describes the school to be red bricked and basic as if it just fits in to the buildings around it and isn't anything dance but it's still school.

Paula brownes house is described as a place where all the children have fun and play together. I envision it as a very rich house as Paula Browne comes from a rick family. I envision a big White mansion when they describe her house and the way she acts all stuck up that she is a well of girl who comes from a house which gives her everything

I loved is story as it showed how children can be so defensive ANC always play the blame game. It really represents children and life in general. The thing I don't like about it is the character of Paula Browne and how she is awful to the girl. I love e naivety of the girl and how she has her imagination of superman. I love the connection between superman and her real life suer hero.

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